
So, why is it some men wear kilts easily and some that want to just can't seem to get up the courage? I've known guys that have bought kilts and not had the nerve to wear it in public for months.

Then there's that first day. The feeling of trying to be aware of everything at once, wondering if every laugh is at your expense, wondering if that girl's smile is for you or at you.

When I first decided to wear a kilt, I left the house and headed for the supermarket. I was nervous because I hadn't worn a kilt in public before but never questioned my judgement.

I am creative and trust my own judgement above that of others. I think the latter is a characteristic you'll find in most men that only wear kilts.
Where does that confidence come from?
For me, it comes from success. I've done a lot of different things and I can do a lot of them well. I can paint, draw, sculpt, and write with style, and I was a pretty good athlete in my youth. I've had a myriad of jobs, from repairing shoes, to filling scuba tanks, to kiltmaking, and I've done them all pretty well.
For other guys, it might be as simple as being Scottish and connecting with their roots.

Wearing a kilt just seems like a no-brainer to me. They're more comfortable and healthier than pants and chicks dig 'em way more than pants.

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