
Showing posts from February, 2012

Planning stage

So, what I've been doing for a few days is narrowing the list of names for my new kiltmaking company, (I'm down to two names), designing a few new, (sure to be popular), accessories, deciding on what styles of kilts to make, (do I continue with the classic cut and grizzly cut?), and generally enjoying the process and thought of getting back into kiltmaking again. I'm going to have a line of tee shirts, golf shirts, and some shirts for the ladies, as well. I considered having a different business and website just for the shirts but as some of the shirts are kilt related, I'll just put them all on the same site. (One business is enough to handle!) A lot of the shirts will be very popular in pubs and bars! They're flirty and fun ... some of them are very daring and even ... well, why spoil the surprise? I'm debating whether to use a facebook storefront or write my own html for a site. I still need to research the facebook store and compare pricing and features.


Today on my homeward commute I sat next to a guy in a kilt. I Asked him about his kilt, (Utilikilt, grey, I think he said poly cotton?), and we got talking kilts, which I haven't done in quite some time. You know what? I miss talking kilts! We talked about Utilikilts, Bear Kilts, all the common questions we get asked, traded a few kilt stories, then went our separate ways. Graham, as his name happened to be, was like most kilt wearing guys. He was confident enough to wear a kilt naturally and without strutting like a peacock. You have to be confident in yourself to wear a kilt in everyday situations and Graham seemed a decent guy. He has been wearing a kilt under a year but he knew what he was doing regarding how do accessorize the kilt. From the Irish cap to the socks and shoes, everything fit just right. I invited him to Kilts Night. I bet he fits right in there, too.