
Today on my homeward commute I sat next to a guy in a kilt. I Asked him about his kilt, (Utilikilt, grey, I think he said poly cotton?), and we got talking kilts, which I haven't done in quite some time.
You know what? I miss talking kilts! We talked about Utilikilts, Bear Kilts, all the common questions we get asked, traded a few kilt stories, then went our separate ways.
Graham, as his name happened to be, was like most kilt wearing guys. He was confident enough to wear a kilt naturally and without strutting like a peacock. You have to be confident in yourself to wear a kilt in everyday situations and Graham seemed a decent guy. He has been wearing a kilt under a year but he knew what he was doing regarding how do accessorize the kilt. From the Irish cap to the socks and shoes, everything fit just right.
I invited him to Kilts Night. I bet he fits right in there, too.

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