Hey! New Guy!

You just got your first kilt and you want to look just right before you go out the door because you don't want to look like a doofus by wearing the wrong socks or some other such nonsense.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this and how many times I've told people it just doesn't matter!
99% of the populace will see nothing but a guy in a kilt. They have no clue as to what is proper with a kilt and what is considered 'wrong' with a kilt.
As long as you've got the pleats in the rear, you're pretty much okay.
Traditionalists will argue that. They'll tell you how high your socks should be and how you should dress to suit them.
Other kilt wearers will tell you why your shoes don't match your belt, just to feel superior.
Fuggem. Fuggem all.
Nobody would dare correct what you wear when you're not in a kilt. Why let 'em tell you when you are in a kilt?
Every day I see guys in black suits and brown shoes; a fashion blunder if there ever was one.
Nobody says a word to them.
Why is it fair game on guys in kilts?

What brought on this line of thought?
On my way for groceries today, I saw a homeless guy sitting behind his hat on the sidewalk. He was, and usually is, covered in months of grime, wearing the same clothes he's had on for months at a time  ...  and I saw him brushing lint off his pant leg as I walked by  ...  delicately  ...  like he was offended something like that would land on his tuxedo.

Social pressure is a big one to get around for the low and the high in our society. We are under constant pressure to conform, to be like everyone else.
"The nail that sticks up gets hammered down."
When we dress or act differently, we expose ourselves to the good and bad of our society. With kilts, it is mostly good but there are some things that seem to come with the territory.
You are either strong enough to deal with those things, or you hang your kilt in the closet and wear pants.
A man in a kilt isn't special because he wears a kilt and peacocks around town. A man in a kilt is special because he wears a kilt and doesn't give a shit if you notice.

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