MacBitseach Clan Requirements

I was recently asked the requirements for joining the MacBitseach clan.
My first thought was to answer with a short question.
How's your mother?
In a rare moment of good taste, I answered that I'd have to think about it, so I'd get my thoughts expressed concisely and clearly.
How do you write a serious requirement list for a clan that you started for the name, a clan that to my surprise, has become somewhat more serious than intended? The more I thought about it, the deeper the problem became and the more I wanted to write a requirement list with purpose.
I have the clan name, the tartan, the crest, and the motto, all suggestive of my way of looking at the world. The name and the crest both mean son of a bitch, which has less to do with my mother and more to do with attitude.
The motto, Fey, has several meanings and I've discussed them before. The meaning I'm most concerned with is truly understanding you're going to die. Death makes life precious. People who have been very close to death see life differently because they have become fey.
The soon to be released MacBitseach tartan is a beautiful, vibrant tartan with a darker feel.

So, having the clan name, the tartan, the crest, and the motto all ready to go, how to choose rules for joining clan MacBitseach?
Honour? Truth? Kilt wearing? Ring size? Heritage?
The Masons don't accept atheists. Should I exclude some group or another? Gum chewers? SUV drivers? People with other clan affiliations? Litterbugs?
There were a lot of questions I had to answer.
Hey ... wait a minute. Says who?
I don't want Clan MacBitseach to be just another clan, so why should it follow similar guidelines?

And then it all became clear.

Here's what you have to know to join Clan MacBitseach.
MacBitseach is pronounced mak bitch' ak. (Note the emphasis on bitch.)
Understand the motto. Fey: those who know they are doomed to die.
Death makes life precious. If you get a kilt in this tartan, wear it proudly and to live up to the name MacBitseach, knowing that it means 'son of a bitch' in Irish Gaelic.

Nothing else matters. If you know that death makes life precious, you will live the way you want to live, within your own personal code of honour. You'll wear a kilt because, as the son of a bitch you are, you're going to wear what you please and kilts are pleasing.

You need not be of a particular bloodline or race to be of clan MacBitseach. Your ancestry is unimportant. You need not wear this tartan in the traditional manner. It is a tartan to be worn as a garment, not a costume!

As serious as that sounds, it isn't. Clan MacBitseach Is about loving and celebrating life because life ain't forever. It's about living, instead of merely existing. It's about not being a drone. It's about a clan of people that live a little bit more fully because we wear kilts.
All you sons of bitches that intend to join, send me an e-mail. I've made a Clan MacBitseach certificate. Maybe I'll do some tee shirts.
Hell, I'm getting the tattoo!

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