Forum Fodder

It's a long weekend? Whodathunkit?
Victoria Day.
For those of us who are struggling to make a home business work, (read struggling to pay rent), there's not even regular weekends off.
Long weekends are a myth, like three headed dogs ... or a photo of yourself that you're really happy with.
I have a large order of kilts I'm working on and will be finished soon. Then, I'll be trying to catch up on old orders and put more kilts on my In Stock pages. I'm hoping to add some women's kilts soon.

I'm still taking orders, too.

I found a kilt forum I really like. It has the feel of the now defunct Tom's Café but it's larger and more strictly kilts. It's called Brotherhood Of The kilt.

It's a fun forum and that's been lacking for a long time. Caption contests, haiku contests ... and there's stuff here that would be banned on other sites. Nothing too awful, as it is a family friendly site. It's a site that allows the fun of wearing a kilt to be expressed freely.

I still visit The Bravehearts Forum but sadly, it seems to be almost forgotten these days. It was once one of the top forums. I've mentioned before that it was one of the reasons kilts caught on in North America. And I still get a lot of hits from there. It's always been one of my top referral sites.

X Marks The Scot was a good idea in the beginning; a forum that prohibits talk of religion, politics, and weapons. It was civil and well, if abruptly, maintained.
It's still the biggest of the kilt forums but the advertisers are starting to run the place and attack other, non-advertising kiltmakers. I spoke up in defense of the kiltmaker being, (very unfairly), attacked and the thread vanished into the electronic ether with no explanation. I wanted to know why but all my private messages to the Mods went unanswered.
It's too bad. I have a lot of friends there. I personally like the Mods, and the owner, too. It just seems as if they have gotten used to the way things have continued to develop towards a censored membership and have stopped questioning what's right, in favour of what is most profitable.

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