It's Time

You've probably heard the old Chinese blessing/curse, "May you live in interesting times."
Has there ever been an uninteresting time?
It's the person that makes what he can of the time he has. Some of us decide we're going to wear kilts, or play poker, or ride a unicycle to work, write a book ... or carry a whoopie cushion.
It doesn't matter! We're the interesting part of our time!
Time is a theory. We live.

I know people from all walks of life. I've had a hundred different jobs from the tech industry to ditch digging. I've sharpened skates, planted trees, sold my own oil paintings, written stories, and at times, gone hungry. I understand the joy of lifting a boulder way too heavy for me out of a hole and I understand how mass curves space.
I've been in love and I've been alone.
For most of my life I've had a part of me that is childlike in wonder of it all.
There has never been an uninteresting time. Ever!
I don't get people that stay in a job they hate because they're too afraid to leave it; they're unable to take a risk, even for their own happiness.

I've never met a person that didn't have some interesting characteristics.
The people that I like to be with are the most interesting people, willing to take a calculated risk and do what they love to do. The people I don't understand are the people that chant the mantra of the drone.
"I'm bored."

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