Kilted MacBitseach

Kilted MacBitseach
It will matter what guys look like in kilts when fat chicks stop wearing spandex!

I have the above sentence on my autotyping program because I read comments by women all the time that go something like this, "I love men in kilts, if they have the legs for it."
I've even been told by men that they won't wear a kilt because they don't like the way their legs look. (Too skinny, too hairy, knobby knees, etc.)
Who cares what your legs look like? Are you so vain that you would rather be uncomfortable for the rest of your life? This is your life! Your one shot! What the hell are you waiting for?
Stick your head out the window and see what's going on out there!
See that woman with the wrinkly belly? Yeah, the one in the low cut jeans and the tube top. What about that woman in the lime green stirrup pants? See the short, fat one in the short shorts and high heels? Look at that skinny chick! Man, those have got to be fake!
Look, it doesn't matter one bit what you look like when you put on a kilt. Simply putting on a kilt means you go up three rungs on the respect ladder. People want to know why you have the guts to wear a kilt, when most guys don't.
Let's face it, most guys are happy to not stand out, to be one of the faceless crowd, to work in a meaningless, dead end job for the security, to dress as they're told, to do as they're told, to be a drone. Modern society kicks the crap out of men until they conform.
I believe that kilts are garments, not costumes. But they are a unique garment, recognised the world over as belonging to men. There are other men's open garments but the kilt is different. Wearing a kilt is a way to stand up and say to the world, "I'm a man!" And there's bloody few ways to say that these days.
I guess that's why they say, "Real Men Wear Kilts."

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