Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes ...

I noticed something today. Changes are afoot.

All my chosen pursuits, (kiltmaking, writing, art), are lonely tasks.

Before you start feeling sorry for me, I enjoy all these things very much. It’s just that sometimes, I wish I was able to get out more, do some of the things I see friends doing.

I’m trying to build up Bear Kilts again, so it’s taking a lot of time and money is always tight. I am handcuffed to the sewing machine to pay rent and eat an occasional meal. (This is my second go-around at building this business. At least this time I know it will succeed.)
And, as a single parent who home schools his son, I’m further tied to the home.

I’m thinking about starting a daily walk, leading into a daily run. The Olympics always inspires me to get more exercise but this is something I’ve been considering for some time. I have a few routes worked out. Oddly, the far point of the routes seem to have coffee available. Serendipity?

Every now and then I re-invent myself to some degree. Often these changes are life changes. The last big change was becoming a kiltmaker and that was more accident than plan.

Maybe it’s time for some small steps, leading to a larger change in lifestyle. I bought some nicotine patches and I’ve been antsy for some exercise since quitting construction.

Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m giving up Guinness or coffee! These are positive habits.

And exercise will increase my energy level, allowing me to make more kilts.

I guess I’m aiming for balance. Socially/physically/mentally/spiritually ... and frakkin financially!

Now, where did I leave the handcuff keys?

Um ...

Little help here?

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