Kilted Viking

I delivered a kilt today, to a customer who is leaving for Hawaii in a few days. Laurence got a lightweight Maple Leaf kilt, which will be perfect for Hawaii. He was quite happy with the weight.
I delivered the kilt to him where he works, a huge camping/hiking store. Other staff members took pictures of us two kilted guys. (He usually wears a kilt at work.) They thought it odd that there were two guys that wear kilts all the time. Until I showed up, they only knew about him.
We are both bearded, though Laurence's is long and forked. (Mine forks when it's that long, too.)
He looks like the Viking that is his ancestry. Tall, wide shouldered, fork bearded, tattooed, and huge bone earrings.
There's going to be a LOT of people seeing his kilt! He stands out in a crowd, even when he's NOT wearing a kilt!

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