Why did I wait so long?

There are questions I get from the newly kilted or soon to be kilted. It's the same questions over and over.
"How do I sit without showing everything?"
"What do I wear to a wedding/office/pub?" and other fashion questions.
"What are some good smartass answers for 'The Question'?
And a ton of others.
I'll address some of them now and then but I want to start with a comment I ALWAYS get after the first few kilted outings.
"I wish I had started wearing kilts years ago! All those years and I could have felt like this! Why did I wait so long?"
That's what it's all about for me; getting guys in kilts and sharing that feeling of natural freedom. I say natural freedom to distinguish it from any kind of political or flag waving freedom.
This is a feeling of walking down the street and feeling natural for the first time; noticing things you never noticed before, just because you're in a kilt. Some changes are personal; others as basic as the way you walk. You'll notice instant, then longer term health changes for the better.
You will find yourself more in touch with nature; more connected. You'll notice temp changes and how your body reacts to them. You'll find yourself wanting to be outside more. You'll go for walks just to feel that feeling of freedom.
Touching nature after denying it for your whole life is a powerful feeling.
"Why did I wait so long?" I honestly didn't know any better!

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