
The backlight on my iBook turned off. Everything worked but I could barely see what was on the screen.
I did some research on the internet and found that with my iBook 500, this is a somewhat common problem. Apparently, the wires travelling throught the hinge to the lid become worn with time, causing the backlight to go out.
The solution? Take it to the shop, or take the entire iBook apart, snip out the 4 worn parts of wire, and solder in 4 patches.
The sites on the internet recommended taking it to the shop and rated the job 'Very Difficult.'
I found a site that shows how to take the iBook apart but not how to replace the cable.
Close enough.
It was a huge job and I wouldn't have tried it without the step by step, on-line, disassembly instructions. It entailed taking apart the whole of the iBook, right down to the bare bones.
Now that the job is done and the iBook is working just fine again, it dawns on me that most people wouldn't think of trying something that difficult, with the potential damage to their computer. I considered the odds and figured if I couldn't make it work, the repair shop wouldn't charge me any extra for looking like a dope. The only part I was really worried about was the diagnosis. If the cable wasn't the problem, I wouldn't be fixing the backlight problem.
There is a confidence in me that allowed me to try it; the same confidence that allowed me to leave the house wearing a kilt for the first time. I remember that first time. I was nervous but shrugged my shoulders and headed off to Safeway.
Most guys wouldn't have considered taking apart their iBook. I didn't consider NOT doing it.
Most guys don't have the stuff to wear a kilt. I've been wearing a kilt for so long now, that I don't give it a second thought.
The kinds of guys that wear kilts are the kinds of guys that don't lose to self doubt. You might get beat by someone else, but not by yourself.

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