
A guy standing next to me at the bus stop asks, "What's with the fancy dress?"
I'm wearing a Black Watch kilt, work boots, pushed down socks, tee shirt, Irish cap, and team jacket with leather arms.
I figure there's no need to explain why I'm not dressed up.
"Nothing, I wear a kilt every day."
"Okay. Just curious."

A few minutes later I overheard a snatch of conversation between the same guy and a woman on the other side of him. The only word I heard clearly was metrosexual.

Metrosexual? Me? Hah!

As I understand the word, it means a man who is overly concerned about his appearance; every crease perfect, every colour matching, fingernails polished, hair perfect, and every pose calculated.
Metrosexuals used to be called dandies. Before that they were fops.

Wearing a kilt makes a guy look, (to the uninformed), like he is dressed up. Most people won't notice if your pleats are messed up a little. Nice, huh? I can dress like the slob I am and people think I'm all dressed up.

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