20/20 Kiltsight

I wear reading glasses. 1.00x for reading or computer work and 2.75x for kilt work. My eyes were always 20/20 until I noticed my self holding a book at arm's length when I was in my early forties. I've worn reading glasses longer than I've worn kilts!
There are a lot of guys discovering kilts at my age or older and I've wondered if kilt wearing is an age related decision.
Many of us older guys start with casual kilts of one kind or another and move into traditional kilts. Is this because we have a greater sense of approaching death and are trying to make sense of life by reaching into our heritage? Or does it have to do more with losing a sense of rebellion and trying to fit into society without giving up kilts?
I have a traditional, military box pleated, wool MacDonald kilt that I've worn once on a 20 minute walk to the grocery store. It isn't uncomfortable but it isn't as comfortable as my MacBitseach classic cut wool kilt. And poly viscose is more comfortable than wool!
I'm not pitching sales for Bear Kilts here. (I'd rather sell a $750 traditional kilt than a $150 casual kilt.) I'm wondering why older guys are choosing the less comfortable traditional kilts over modern kilts.
Aside from the above two ideas, I can't see any reason. Nada. Squat. Bupkus.
Maybe it's like the glasses that you can't find. Maybe I can't see the reason because I'm blind to it. I don't have a big fear of death and while I don't understand life as a universal concept, I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin and can accept the limitations of my age.
I'm sort of excited to see if my opinions will change as I age! Either way, I'll notice.

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