Did you miss me?

What do you mean, "was I gone?"
I have spent the last 2.5 years picking up the pieces of my life and sticking them back together with spit and elbow grease.
Anyway, I'm back and full of piss and vinegar, with big plans, (New kilt design coming out), and some help, which I'll tell you about later.
First, Bear Kilts is starting a Referral Incentive program. Send me a kilt sale and earn credits towards your next kilt. See details here:

A guy walks up to an anteater and says, "Hey buddy. Why the long face?"
That's a favourite joke of mine. It's short, easy to remember after a few Bushmills, and usually gets a small laugh. I get a little bit humourous when I drink and I'm usually in a good mood, so this surprised me:

A guy walks up to me last Kilts Night, (he had to make his way through at least half a dozen kilted guys), puffs up to his full height, and asks rudely, "Are you trying to mock Scotland?"
I was talking to a lady at the time and was a little taken aback.
"No," I answered. "What are you talking about?"
Angrier, "Are you trying to mock Scotland?"
"No. What the f*** are you talking about?"
"Well ... okay then!" he said and turned and walked right out the front door.
Maybe it was my Star Trek kilt pin. Maybe it was my hiking boots and pushed down socks. Maybe it was because The Canucks missed the playoffs that night. Maybe he wanted to see if I was man enough to wear a kilt. Maybe he'd had too much Guinness.

2.5 years later and I'm still kilted, still coming up with new ideas, and still attracting the odd bit of trouble. Fortunately, there are still ladies that appreciate a man in a kilt, so no long face here!

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