Kilt Faux Pas

What's the worst kilt faux pas you've seen?
I know, who am I to ask that question? I'm the guy that's always saying, "wear what pleases you."
But come on! There are limits to everything.
I have twice had to tell people they had their kilts on inside out. (No need for names.) Both guys were horrified and thankful that I told them discreetly.
I've seen pics of guys at highland games with the aprons at the side of the kilt. They must have been surrounded by guys wearing their kilts properly, so I can only guess they thought they were fashionably daring.
On the Granville Stroll after a Robbie Burn's night in 2004, we saw a guy who had rented a kilt and sporran for the evening. He was extremely happy to see us, calling us brothers, etc. When I mentioned he had his kilt on backwards, he laughed, as if he thought I was kidding him. Then he saw our kilts.
"Oh man!" he wailed. "All those Scottish ladies I've been dancing with all night were laughing at me!"
We felt bad for the guy and reassured him as best we could but we had a bloody good laugh when he'd got out of earshot. At least his pleats didn't wrinkle from getting sat on.

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